Benefits of Dental Implants


  • Immediately functioning teeth: Straumann makes it possible to have dental implants and new, fully functioning teeth in just one session.
  • Preserves facial appearance: When you lose the entire tooth -crown and root - shrinkage of the jawbone may cause your face to look older. Dental implants can stop this process.
  • Perfect fit and smile: A new ceramic crown or bridge can be made to fit perfectly in your mouth. It is almost impossible to distinguish a real tooth from a Procera crown restoration.
  • Eat what you want: Implant-supported replacement teeth are like natural teeth because they are anchored securely |in your jaw. This allows you to eat your favorite foods in comfort and confidence.
  • Saves healthy teeth: With traditional practices, two teeth adjacent to a missing tooth must be ground down to anchor a bridge. Dental implants often eliminate the need to modify healthy teeth.
  • A solution for life: A dental implant and ceramic crown or bridge offers a long-lasting solution, often for life.
  • Boosted self-esteem: Once you experience the benefits of new and permanent teeth, you may well experience renewed confidence and improved quality of life as well.